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Chase River Force Main
Nanaimo, BC

Project Capital Cost:

Project Role:
600mm HDPE Sani Installation, 300mm Watermain installation, Chase River crossing

Start-End Dates:
September 2019 – May 2020

Challenges & Management

Chase River Crossing with Pipe Bridge

Prepared a comprehensive alternative proposal for underground crossing – proposal was accepted by the RDN and executed by Milestone.

Working Near Water Course

Milestone in partnership with EDI prepared a comprehensive environmental management plan for the engineer approval. Milestone hired EDI as well to be the environmental monitor to oversee the EMP implementation and monitoring. 

Logging Trucks with High Traffic at the Work Zone

Traffic plans were prepared and executed to accommodate such special traffic; plans were discussed and agreed upon with all related stakeholders including the logging factory. Dedicated traffic personnel were allocated to manage the trucks traffic. 

Residential Area with High Foot/Bike Traffic

Dedicated lanes and flaggers were assigned for the purpose.

Paving and Residents Access

Notices were distributed one week in advance and 2 days prior to paving. Notices were tailored to each group of residences and provided alternative parking locations. Dedicated flaggers were allocated to assist residents with entry and exit. 

Tie Ins & Water Shutoff Coordination in Condensed Residental Area

A detailed water shutoff plan was prepared and submitted to the client 3 weeks prior to the work taking place. Upon approval, impacted residents received water shutoff notices 1 week in advance. 

Working Around Hydro, Gas, and Telus

All locates were hand dug and verified prior to construction. Inspectors were communicated in accordance to each correspondent stakeholder policy. 

Chemainus Road Corridor
Improvement Project

Project Capital Cost:

Project Role:
.69Km asphalt removal and road construction with new roundabout, bike lanes and concrete sidewalks. Rain gardens, tree, and hedge planting.

Start-End Dates:
July 2020 – April 2021 

Challenges & Management

Communication with residents regarding the scope of work taking place throughout the lifetime of the project

Discussions with the Owner regarding schedule which was then communicated to the public via website as well as well as social media. 

Re-routing traffic in order to safely and efficiently complete the work on Chemainus Road

Created, communicated, and maintained a robust traffic management plan which detailed the necessary detour and all of the required components such as signage, traffic barriers and number of personnel needed.

Heavy traffic at peak times of the day and changes to traffic management requirements

Communication with the public via the owner and implementation of traffic management plan. This traffic management plan was a ‘living document’. As we advanced with the work and traffic management requirements changed, so to did our traffic management plan. This plan was discussed at length with the owner and Milestone made adjustments as the work progressed.

Working in close proximity to pedestrians and cyclists

Traffic management personnel would direct cyclists and pedestrians to the appropriate alternative route. Signage was put in place to give pedestrians and cyclists advance warning of the closure.

Paving and Resident/Business access

The Owner prepared and distributed notices to the residents and businesses. Dedicated flaggers were allocated to assist residents, business owners and patrons with entry and exit.

Working around utilities

All utilities were located and marked. Overhead power lines were discussed multiple times each day and signage was put in place to assist with keeping the overhead lines at the forefront of the crew’s minds. When working near the gas main, Fortis was notified in advance.

Working with other subtrades

The owner employed the paving company directly which demanded that Milestone and Duncan Paving synchronize our schedules. Both superintendents worked together to ensure that our mutual client was satisfied with the way in which the work progressed. 


Berkeys Corner
Duncan, BC

Project Capital Cost:

Project Role:
Sitework (clearing, retaining wall, building excavation) offsite civil and site services

Start-End Dates:
December 2019 – April 2021

Challenges & Management

Creating an effective and efficient traffic management plan that meets the Owner’s expectations

Discussing and presenting the traffic management plan to the consultant and the owner. Revising the plan once recommendations were made and re-submitting for final approval.

Communicating the Traffic Management Plan with the public

Creating and distributing notices to the affected businesses and residents. Working with the Municipality and discussing schedule and traffic management requirements so that their website is showing an accurate picture of the affected areas.

Paving and Residents access

Notices were distributed one week in advance and 2 days prior to paving. Notices were tailored to each group of residences and provided alternative parking locations. Dedicated flaggers were allocated to assist residents with entry and exit.

Managing subtrades

Milestone subcontracted both the paving company and the
concrete supplier. Milestone’s superintendent directed the work with to ensure that the client was satisfied with the way in which the work progressed.

© 2022 Milestone Equipment Contracting Inc.

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